Woman drops husband from roof after he refuses to take her shopping

WEB DESK: Upon refusing to take her shopping, the woman pushed her husband from the roof.

The incident occurred in Baghdad, where police detained the woman on charges of attempted murder after she pushed her husband off the roof.

In addition, the injured husband was immediately admitted to the hospital; the fall from height had caused multiple fractures in his body.

According to Iraqi news agency ARM, the Iraqi woman residing in Baghdad wanted to go shopping for her sister’s wedding.

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As per media reports, the woman asked her husband to accompany her to the market, but he refused. In retaliation, in a fit of rage, the woman lured her husband to the roof of their house and pushed him off.

Upon witnessing the incident, locals informed the police, leading to the woman’s arrest. The unconscious person was transferred to the hospital by the police, while the woman was taken to the police station after filing a case of attempted murder against her.


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