PTI issues show cause notice to Marwat over ‘irresponsible’ remarks

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Sher Afzal Marwat has been served a show cause notice by the party’s Secretary-General Omar Ayub Khan over what the party terms as “irresponsible statements.”

In a formal communication issued on Saturday, Secretary-General Omar Ayub Khan directed Marwat to submit his response within three days, highlighting that Marwat’s remarks had tarnished the party’s image. The notice underscored that Marwat’s actions and words had strained relations with fellow party members and stakeholders.

The central secretariat of the party has summoned Marwat to provide a written explanation within three days, detailing why disciplinary measures should not be taken against him. The notice cautioned that failure to provide a satisfactory response or non-compliance would lead to further action in accordance with party policies and regulations.

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Marwat, known for his outspoken and controversial comments, has been involved in disputes with several party leaders, including Taimur Khan Jhagra, Omar Ayub, and Shibli Faraz.

Confirming the development to the media outside Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, Omar Ayub reiterated that a show-cause notice had also been directed to Marwat by the former Prime Minister Imran Khan for his contentious statements. Ayub highlighted that Marwat’s statements had strained the party’s relations with Saudi Arabia, noting Imran Khan’s personal rapport with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Despite repeated warnings against violating party policies, Marwat continued his actions unabated, Ayub stated.

Marwat’s history of controversial statements has previously caused embarrassment to the PTI on multiple occasions, prompting Imran Khan to recently remove him from the party’s core and political committees.

Additionally, PTI has nominated Sheikh Waqas Akram to replace Marwat for the position of Chairman of the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC).


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