Spyware attacks surge 300 pc in Pakistan’s first quarter of 2024

WEB DESK: Spyware attacks in Pakistan have increased in the first quarter of 2024, marking a massive 300 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023.

As per the Kaspersky Oversaw Location and Reaction (MDR) team findings, the frequency of high-severity incidents involving direct human engagement surpassed two per day in 2023, underscoring the severity of the situation.

Meanwhile, the latest report by Kaspersky sheds light on this alarming trend, cutting across various industries, with the financial, IT, government, and industrial sectors emerging as the primary targets.

In the first quarter of 2024, spyware attacks surged by 300% compared to 2023.

Industry Targets and Trends

  • Diverse Industries Targeted in Rising Spyware Trend

Financial, IT, government, and industrial sectors are primary targets in Pakistan’s escalating spyware attacks.

Cybersecurity Analysis

  • Evolving Threat Landscape Revealed in Cyberattack Statistics

Backdoor attacks increase moderately, while banking malware attacks decrease by over 50% in 2024.

Continuous Security Enhancement

  • Vital Need for Ongoing Cybersecurity Strengthening

Fluctuations emphasize the criticality of continuously enhancing cybersecurity measures to protect Pakistan’s digital sector.

Sector-Specific Incidents

  • Government Sector Most Affected by High-Severity Incidents

22.9% of high-severity incidents occurred in the government sector, followed by IT, financial, and industrial companies.

Read More: Study links ultra-processed foods to elevated risk of death

Insights from Annual Report

  • Kaspersky’s Annual Report Unveils Incident Analysis

The report offers detailed insights into incident nature, distribution by industry, tactics, and tools used by attackers.

Recommendations for Defense

  • Strategic Defense Measures Against Evolving Threats

Hafeez Rehman advises effective automated cybersecurity solutions managed by experienced SOC analysts to combat evolving threats.


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