Exclusive: China is keeping the art of puppetry alive

Foreign journalists recently visited the workshop of Laixi puppet master Jiang Yu Tao, invited by the Qingdao Municipal Government and China Radio International. Jiang Yu Tao shared that his family has been involved in puppetry for many generations, and this art form has been in China for almost two thousand years.

Jiang has performed in many Chinese cities and in twenty other countries. The journalists learned about the puppet-making process, which mainly uses wood but also includes plastic and fabric. Puppets are usually heavy and require a lot of skill to perform with. It takes practice to move the puppet’s face and arms in sync with the voice.

Although puppetry is becoming less common, Jiang has some students who are committed to keeping this tradition alive. Puppet shows and festivals are still held in China. During the visit, a famous Chinese puppet show called “Face Changing” was performed, where the performer skillfully changes both his own mask and the puppet’s mask.

Read more: https://azaadenglish.com/exploring-chinas-tea-heritage-visit-to-xiaoyangchun-tea-museum/


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