Remote AI jobs with salaries over $100,000 a year

FlexJobs recently identified the top five in-demand AI jobs, highlighting careers that have gained significant traction only in recent years.

Each of these positions offers a salary starting at $100,000 annually and is well-suited for remote work, which has become increasingly popular. The salary data provided comes from

Remote AI Research Scientist

AI research scientists focus on developing advanced AI and machine learning models, prototypes, and technologies. FlexJobs lists the essential skills for this role as:

• Applied mathematics

• Machine learning

• Deep learning

• Computational statistics

• Computer perception

• Natural language processing (NLP)

Remote Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer

AI engineers are responsible for creating and training complex algorithms for AI applications used by businesses and individuals to improve efficiency.

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Key skills and experience required for this role, according to FlexJobs, include:

• Software development

• Data science

• Programming

• Machine learning

• Average salary range: $102,311 to $137,828

Remote Machine Learning (ML) Engineer

ML engineers program and develop machine learning models and work with large datasets to address business challenges. The necessary skills for this position include:

• Programming experience with Python, Java, and SQL

• Machine learning

• Deep learning

• Statistics

• Mathematics

• Average salary range: $96,820 to $115,581

Remote Natural Language Processing (NLP) Scientist

NLP scientists focus on enabling applications and devices to understand and interpret human language. Core skills required for this role involve:

• Computational linguistics

• Semantic extraction

• Data modeling

• Programming languages

• Average salary range: $113,519 to $144,263

Remote Data Scientist

Data scientists are crucial for analyzing and modeling data to develop future AI models and applications. Essential skills and experience for this role include:

  • Data analysis
  •  Programming
  • Statistical tools
  •  Average salary range: $108,942 to $133,690

These roles not only offer competitive salaries but also the flexibility to work remotely, catering to the growing trend of remote employment.


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