Scientists create robot faces using real human skin capable of self-repair

WEB DESK: Japanese scientists create robots with real human skin capable of self-repair

For years, scientists have endeavored to create robots that closely mimic human appearance and behavior. However, the idea of using real human skin on robots brings a new level of eeriness to the forefront of robotics advancements.

Breakthrough Study Published in Cell Reports Physical Science

A recent study published in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science reveals significant progress in this area. Japanese researchers have successfully developed skin for robots using human skin cells, a development that has both intrigued and unnerved many.

Creating Realistic Human-like Robots

The primary goal of this research was to enable robots to exhibit human-like smiles and facial expressions. The team at the University of Tokyo has engineered robots that, while not entirely human-looking, showcase significant advancements toward realism. According to the scientists, the artificial skin they’ve developed is incredibly soft and can self-repair when damaged.

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Innovative Use of Living Human Cells

In their laboratory, the researchers used living human cells to create this artificial skin. This skin not only feels soft and realistic but also has the remarkable ability to heal itself when cut. Scientists have found a way to replicate the structure of human skin, preserving its natural elasticity.

Future Applications and Challenges

Although achieving human-like expressions on robot faces remains a challenge, the researchers are optimistic. They believe this technology could take a few more years to fully develop but foresee its potential applications extending beyond robotics to fields such as plastic surgery.


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