Man slaughters mother, girlfriend, cooks their flesh

Podcaster Annie Ellis recounts the shocking events involving Joseph Oberhensley, a man traumatized by past losses and addiction.

Tragic Background

  • Trauma and Addiction Shape Joseph’s Actions

Joseph, traumatized by familial deaths and addiction, spirals into violence and abuse towards his partners.

Deadly Relationships

  • Romantic Connections Marred by Violence

Joseph’s relationships with Sabrina and Tammy end tragically in murder and dismemberment.

Legal Consequences

  • Joseph Sentenced to 15 Years, Paroled After 12

Joseph receives a 15-year prison sentence, paroled after serving 12 years, only to commit another murder.

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Failed Reform Efforts

  • Tammy Falls Victim to Joseph’s Violence Despite Hope for Change

Tammy, hoping to reform Joseph, becomes his next victim, leading to her tragic death and dismemberment.

Gruesome Discovery

  • Tammy’s Family Reports Her Disappearance, Police Uncover Horrific Evidence

Police find Tammy’s dismembered body in Joseph’s freezer, along with evidence of her cooked flesh.

Heartbreaking Betrayal

  • Tammy’s Forgiveness Met with Deadly Betrayal

Despite forgiving Joseph’s past actions, Tammy becomes another victim of his brutality, ending in her murder.


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