Harvard studies reveal best exercises for weight loss

WEB DESK: Looking to weight loss? If so, Harvard University suggests focusing on two essential factors: diet and exercise.


Cycling, whether outdoors or in a spin class, is known for its high fat-burning potential. Additionally, it helps to strengthen muscles in the legs and glutes.

Two wheels, 600 calories

The calorie burn from a bike session can vary based on intensity, but a vigorous ride can torch around 600 calories per hour. And it is highly recommended for weight loss.

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Running is a well-known cardiovascular workout that may burn 600 calories in an hour. It enhances cardiovascular health and endurance in addition to activating seven other muscular groups, such as the glutes and core.


Swimming has the benefit of using every muscle in your body, including the arms, shoulders, and legs. Additionally, it burns up to 900 calories in an hour, more than most other hobbies.

HIIT sessions 

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, which means you go as hard as you can, take a rest, and repeat. These workouts are highly effective and push you to your limit.

Walk on

Never underestimate the power of a leisurely walk. Walks are a gentle and enjoyable way to get exercise and get around. You can burn as many as 450 calories in an hour of hiking.

Jump rope

To lose weight, trainers say you should jump rope at least 600 times. You’ll know it’s working once you start sweating as if you were in the sauna.


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