China’s moon samples: unveiling secrets from the dark side

WEB DESK: Chinese scientists will soon begin analyzing samples brought back from the Moon’s South Pole.

The 1.935-kilogram samples, collected from the Moon’s dark side, were delivered to Earth on June 25 by a capsule from the Chang’e 6 mission, making China the first country to achieve this.

Moreover, the samples from the Moon’s South Pole are stored at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where researchers will attempt to uncover the Moon’s history and the secrets of the solar system. According to a statement released by the China National Space Administration on June 28, these initial samples from the Moon’s dark side hold unique scientific significance.

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The statement added that these samples will help us understand the Moon’s evolution and accelerate the exploration and utilization of lunar resources. It’s worth noting that the term “dark side” of the Moon doesn’t imply the absence of light, but rather refers to the lack of detailed information about this region.

So, what is the significance of these samples? This region of the Moon is not visible from Earth and is quite different from the illuminated part. It is believed that the geological history of this region differs from that of the illuminated part, potentially providing significant insights into the Moon’s past.

Previous missions by the USA and Russia focused primarily on the Moon’s illuminated side. China’s Chang’e 4 was the first mission to land on the dark side in 2018, but it wasn’t designed to bring back samples. This makes the samples collected by the Chang’e 6 mission extremely important, as they come from a largely unknown part of the Moon with much to discover.

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The samples were collected from the Aitken Basin region of the Moon’s South Pole, and scientists expect they will provide insights into the Moon’s formation, geological history, and other space events. These details could aid space agencies in establishing human bases on the Moon by understanding the resources available on its surface.

Furthermore, the samples might reveal the history of volcanic activity on the Moon if volcanic rocks or other evidence are found. Another significant potential discovery could be the presence of water in these samples. Although the Moon is generally considered dry, recent missions have found traces of water on its surface. The presence of water in the dark side could be crucial for future missions and the establishment of human bases there


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