50 lives lost in Afghanistan’s Baghlan floods

BAGHLAN: Afganistan’s northern province of Baghlan experienced heavy rainfall as a result of which 50 individuals have died, revealed the Interior Ministry on Friday.

Speaking to Reuters, Ministry spokesperson Abdul Mateen Qaniee warned that the death toll could surge as the situation unfolds.

The flood, spanning multiple districts, has left families stranded and in dire need of immediate assistance, Qaniee added.

Furthermore, he noted the two heavy storms had been predicted for Friday night

Moreover, despite swift response efforts by the Ministry, challenges persist due to a deficiency in night vision lights for helicopters engaged in rescue operations, Qaniee pointed out.

Meanwhile, this latest catastrophe follows closely on the heels of another devastating incident just last month, where approximately 70 lives were claimed by relentless rains across Afghanistan, as reported by the government’s disaster management department.

Janan Sayeq, spokesperson for the department, disclosed the grim toll, citing injuries sustained by 56 individuals and widespread destruction of property and farmlands.

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The United Nations last year warned that “Afghanistan is experiencing major swings in extreme weather conditions”.

After four decades of war, the country ranks among the nations least prepared to face extreme weather events, which scientists say are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change.

At least 25 people were killed in a landslide after massive snowfall in eastern Afghanistan in February, while around 60 were killed in a three-week spate of precipitation ending in March.


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