
Apple set to release slimmer iPhone in 2025, the Information reports

WEB DESK (Reuters): Apple  is developing a slimmer version of the iPhone that is likely to be launched by 2025,…

KPK student develops Brain-Controlled electric wheelchair

WEB DESK: A bright student at Engineering University Mardan has unveiled a brain-controlled electric wheelchair that can be operated using…

What do our pets dream about?

WEB DESK: While our furry companions may get into mischief when awake, the sight of a peacefully snoozing dog or…

WhatsApp introduces ‘Event Planning’ feature

WhatsApp’s new feature is a game-changer for community organizers, bringing a wave of relief. This update streamlines event planning within…

Pakistan launches historic lunar mission

In a significant stride for Pakistan’s space ambitions, a Pakistani satellite is poised to orbit the moon as part of…

Apple renews talks with OpenAI for iPhone generative AI features

According to Bloomberg News, Apple Inc. has reopened discussions with OpenAI regarding the use of the startup’s generative AI technology…

Tesla could start selling Optimus robots by the end of next year

WEB DESK: Tesla’s humanoid robot is still in development but could hit the market by the end of next year,…
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