Punjab government cracks down on wheat smuggling to KP

ISLAMABAD – The Punjab government has issued a notification to address the smuggling of wheat into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), implementing stringent measures to curb this illegal activity.

Key Measures Implemented

The Provincial Secretary of Food has mandated the establishment of checkpoints along key highways. Competent officers have been tasked with stopping the smuggling of wheat, ensuring that the supply chain remains regulated.

Flour Mills Association Reports

According to sources from the Flour Mills Association, thousands of trucks are parked outside warehouses in KP. The KP government has placed a demand for the supply of 300,000 tonnes of wheat, purchasing it at a rate of Rs. 3,900 per maund. In contrast, wheat is being sold at Rs. 2,800 to Rs. 3,000 per maund in the open market in Punjab.

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Impact on Farmers

The delay in Punjab’s wheat procurement drive has left farmers in a challenging situation, despite the abundant wheat harvest this season. Forced to sell their produce below government-fixed rates, growers are feeling the financial strain of this delay.

KP’s Procurement Campaign

Finance Adviser of KP, Muzammil Aslam, announced that the provincial government has begun purchasing wheat from farmers in Punjab. In a statement to a private news channel, he confirmed that KP has decided to include Punjab’s farmers in their procurement campaign for 300,000 tonnes of wheat at Rs. 3,900 per maund.


The Punjab government’s proactive measures to combat wheat smuggling into KP are crucial for regulating the wheat supply chain. However, the delay in procurement and price disparities continue to impact farmers, highlighting the need for timely and fair interventions to support the agricultural sector.


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