PTI leader Marwat lashes out at party leadership again

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) leader Sher Afzal Marwat lashed out at the party leadership stating that he remains unable to meet with PTI founder Imran Khan to this day.

Addressing the media outside Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, Marwat disclosed his attempts to arrange a meeting with PTI Founder Imran Khan. However, he alleged encountering obstacles, asserting that the jail superintendent informed him of Khan’s private meeting schedule, yet he was denied access, placing blame on former ministers Shibli Faraz and Omar Ayub for the obstruction.

Marwat asserted that Faraz had expressed reservations regarding his potential appointment as the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman, citing anticipated objections from the PML-N. “Consider me out of this race, don’t make me the chairman,” Marwat urged, highlighting internal challenges within the party. He lamented the perceived decline of PTI, contrasting it with his past efforts in elevating the party’s presence across regions.

Read More: Azma Bukhari accuses PTI founder of masterminding May 9 riots

Moreover, Marwat revealed his communication with Khan regarding internal discord within PTI, stressing his disillusionment with certain leaders following the February 8 elections. He stressed his stance against disrespect, citing his various attempts to secure a meeting with Khan in Adiala Jail, which were repeatedly rescheduled.

Meanwhile, Marwat also announced his decision to distance himself from organising protest rallies in Lahore, citing apparent restrictions. Additionally, he expressed readiness to resign from his National Assembly seat upon Khan’s request, reaffirming his refusal to collaborate with certain leaders and condemning any disrespect towards him.

Asserting his authority, Marwat declared his unwillingness to tolerate disparagement and voiced his preference for alternative leadership within the party.


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