Pakistan tops list of countries borrowing from China

WEB DESK: According to a report by AidData, Pakistan’s total external debt owed to China amounted to $68.91 billion as of November 2023

It appears the Government of Pakistan aims to revive the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). However, this raises a critical question: will this initiative increase our debt ratio further, or will it help us pay off our existing debt?

Pakistan needs income-generation projects, not just infrastructural developments, which may or may not yield dividends in the long run. Pakistan’s priority should be income generation with an export-oriented industry.

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Furthermore one of our most significant potential exports is human capital. What is our policy on this? Are we adequately preparing our children for this future? We must prioritize technical education for young people to ensure they are job-ready, both within and outside Pakistan.

The emphasis should be on aligning education from schools to universities to foster an export-oriented mindset. By doing so, we can create a sustainable path toward economic stability and growth.


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