ICC applies for arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Sinwar

The Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, and other Hamas officials for alleged war crimes.

Grounds for Arrest Warrants

Prosecutor Karim Khan stated there were grounds to believe these individuals bore criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity since October 7, 2023.

Investigation Scope

The ICC, headquartered in The Hague, initiated an investigation into actions in the Palestinian occupied territories in 2021. It expanded the investigation to cover both Israeli and Hamas actions since the Gaza conflict began on October 7.

Allegations Against Hamas

Hamas is accused of killing several hundred Israelis and committing various war crimes during its assault on Israeli military bases and settlements. Accusations include extermination, murder, taking hostages, rape, and torture.

Israeli Forces’ Actions

The statement does not mention allegations that Israeli forces killed civilians during the October 7 Hamas attack. Israeli media reports claim the army used heavy weapons, resulting in civilian casualties.

UN Investigation

UN investigators sought evidence of Hamas committing mass rapes in response to Israeli claims, but Israel failed to provide it. Reports of Hamas committing mass rape have been debunked.

Allegations Against Israeli Officials

The ICC accused Netanyahu and Gallant of war crimes, including murder and targeting civilians. The statement focuses on Israel’s alleged efforts to starve Palestinians in Gaza by cutting off food, water, medicine, and electricity.

Context of the Conflict

The ICC statement does not mention the reasons for the Hamas attack, such as breaking the siege on Gaza, ending occupation, and freeing Palestinian prisoners. It also does not mention Israel’s bombing of Gaza, sniper drone attacks, or abuse of Palestinian detainees. Israeli estimates suggest over 34,000 Palestinians, including 8,000 children, have been killed.

Israeli Response

In response, an Israeli official denounced the allegations as “baseless blood libel” and reiterated Israel’s commitment to defending itself. Netanyahu plans to issue a video statement later.

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