CM Maryam wants all culprits arrested after Zainab Jamil survived murder attempt

Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Maryam Nawaz has ordered the immediate arrest of all those responsible for shooting former actress and model Zainab Jamil.

Taking to Instagram, Maryam emphasised that crimes against women are being addressed with utmost severity and promptness.

Zainab Jamil, who was reportedly shot six times in Lahore, has claimed that her husband is behind this attack.

In a recorded video message from her hospital bed, she asserted, “The attack was orchestrated by my husband, who has been threatening me for the past two months.”

Additionally, she shared a video on her social media platform, shedding light on a prior conversation with her husband.

Currently hospitalised, Zainab Jamil is determined to seek justice for the heinous crime perpetrated against her.


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