Are Bilal Abbas and Durefishan secretly married?

The Pakistani blockbuster drama, “Ishq Murshid,” has not only captivated audiences and shattered popularity records but has also sparked widespread rumors about an alleged romance between its stars, Bilal Abbas and Durefishan Saleem.

Social media is buzzing with claims that Bilal Abbas and Durefishan Saleem have been in a long-term relationship and have secretly married. These rumors have gained traction, particularly after prominent YouTuber Maria Ali discussed the possibility in one of her videos.

Adding to the speculation, veteran actress Marina Khan recently discussed the drama in a podcast and made intriguing comments about the chemistry between Bilal and Durefishan. When asked about the on-screen connection between the two actors, she candidly shared her observations, stating, “Looking at Bilal and Durefishan, I feel that some spark is about to ignite.” Her remarks have led many to believe that there might be a real-life romance mirroring their on-screen relationship.

However, it is important to note that neither Durefishan nor Bilal has confirmed these rumors. Fans and media alike continue to speculate, eagerly watching for any signs of truth behind the whispers.

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