Renowned YouTuber Yasir Shami, who is accused of circulating viral videos of late Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain,  finally appeared before the court on Thursday.

During the hearing of the case in Karachi, Shami appeared before the Judicial Magistrate East at the Karachi City Court. However, the renowned YouTuber managed to get bail upon submission of a Rs500,000 surety bond.

Furthermore, the court also directed Yasir Shami to visit the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) office to record his statement. The YouTuber appeared before the court following his repeated absence during the previous hearing.

Read More: Dania Shah claims share of Aamir Liaquat’s estate, hires lawyer for Rs 20 m

Later, the court delayed the next hearing until May 23. On the other hand, Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain’s first wife Bushra Iqbal said that now, there are two accused involved in this case.

She added that one of the accused is Dania Malik, who recorded and leaked the obscene video involving the late politician. Additionally, the other accused is Yasir Shami, who allegedly received the videos from Dania in exchange for money.

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