Tortured donkey dies in Karachi

Tortured donkey dies in Karachi

In another shocking case of animal abuse, a donkey that had been subjected to severe torture has died in a shelter home in Karachi.

The donkey’s two legs were broken due to the extreme mistreatment and it was rushed to Karachi for treatment.

The news of the donkey’s death was shared by the NGO on social media.

It should be noted that the donkey was tortured by its owner in a fit of anger, which resulted in its two legs being broken.

Read more: No evidence found against feudal lord in camel mutilation case: Investigation officer

Additionally, there have been two other reported incidents of animal abuse in recent days.

One incident occurred in Sanghar, where a person cut off a camel’s leg for entering his fields.

In another incident, in Rawalpindi, an influential local figure cut off the ears of a donkey that had been set free to drink water after the wheat harvest.


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