Netflix is facing a legal challenge over its acclaimed series Squid Game, with allegations that it copied the storyline from the 2009 Indian film Luck. Filmmaker Soham Shah, who created Luck, claims that Netflix and Squid Game writer Hwang Dong-hyuk have plagiarised his film’s plot.

According to the lawsuit, which has been reviewed by TMZ, Shah asserts that both Luck and Squid Game depict a group of financially desperate individuals competing in lethal games for substantial monetary rewards, with wealthy spectators wagering on the outcomes.

Shah alleges that he conceived the plot in 2006 and released Luck globally in 2009. He further contends that Netflix could have accessed his film through its extensive promotional efforts. The lawsuit raises concerns over the originality of Squid Game, noting that Hwang Dong-hyuk claims to have developed the series in the same year Luck was released.

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The legal filing also points out that the success of Squid Game significantly boosted Netflix’s market value, reportedly adding over $900 million. Shah is seeking damages and aims to prevent Netflix from further infringing on his copyright.

Netflix has yet to issue a response to the lawsuit.

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