ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Information Technology (IT) Shaza Fatima Khawaja admitted on Monday that internet speeds in Pakistan currently fall short of global standards, days after a recent report by Ookla’s Speedtest Global Index, which placed the country among the lowest in both mobile and broadband speeds globally.

Speaking at the National Broadband Network Forum, Fatima Khawaja spoke about how important it is to have fast and reliable internet for the digital growth of the country.

She said that internet speeds in Pakistan required a lot of improvement.

“While we have made progress, internet speed is still not where it should be,” she said. “However, with ongoing efforts and upcoming initiatives, we expect to see significant improvements in the coming years.”

She said that two important reforms are in the pipeline to address the internet speed issue including fiberization policy and the introduction of 5G technology.

The fiberization policy, as she explained, will intensify broadband connectivity, while high speed and wider coverage across the country will be provided with the introduction of 5G technology.

In the same breath, she mentioned the establishment of a National Digital Commission which would be chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and entrusted with the responsibility to bring the country’s digital infrastructure into its design and enforcement.

The commission’s planning will include provincial leaders and ministers and is expected to come up with a holistic five-year action plan setting out the digital challenges facing the country and suggesting possible solutions to make Pakistan attractive for technology investments.

Fatima Khawaja further said that the Digital Pakistan Bill that is intended to hasten digitisation in the country will be tabled in the National Assembly. The bill, expected to sail through easily, will lay the foundation for establishing the National Digital Commission.

“We are hopeful that the opposition will support the bill, ensuring swift progress in Pakistan’s digital transition,” Khawaja stated.

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