Process of e-balloting for interest free bikes in Punjab completed

Process of e-balloting for interest free bikes in Punjab completed

WEB DESK: The process of e-balloting for bikes on interest-free or easy instalments, under youth initiative, has completed in the Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s office.

According to media reports, Provincial Minister for Transport Bilal Akbar Khan has approved the e-balloting for bikes and petrol bikes on no interest and easy instalments.

Reports indicate that the trasnport minister has approved the e-balloting for four different categories of students. Under the Youth Initiative, Vice Chancellors of various universities and students were also present at the event.

“All departments worked hard to make this program successful. Well done – Bilal Akbar Khan,” CM Maryam said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of Transport Punjab and Mass Transit Department Ahmad Javaid Qazi announced that one thousand electric bikes and 19,000 petrol bikes are being provided to students. Electric bikes will be given to students in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan, and Bahawalpur – Ahmad Javaid Qazi.

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Furthermore, minister Qazi said that students from all districts have submitted online applications for obtaining bikes on no interest and easy instalments under the Youth Initiative.

“Various universities, colleges, and online roadshows were conducted to inform the parents of students. Under the Youth Initiative, one lakh ninety thousand students have registered to obtain bikes on no interest and easy instalments. Seventy-two thousand six hundred forty students have submitted online applications,” Javaid Qazi explained.

Meanwhile, minister Bilal has awarded commendation certificates to officers showing good performance.

During the e-balloting ceremony, Chairman PITB, Additional IG Traffic, Secretary Information, Secretary Finance, Secretary Excise, Chairman Punjab Higher Education Commission, Vice Chancellors of various universities, relevant officials, and students were also present.


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