During the launch event of CM’s Flagship Field Hospitals in Lahore, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz articulated her plans to revitalize and reintroduce the health card program province-wide. This announcement marks a significant step towards enhancing healthcare accessibility and quality for the citizens of Punjab.

CM Maryam began her address by acknowledging the commendable success of the health card initiative, which was originally championed by Nawaz Sharif and flourished until 2016. However, she expressed her deep concern regarding its decline in effectiveness post-2018 due to rampant corruption within the system. This acknowledgment of past shortcomings demonstrates a commitment to transparency and accountability in governance.

Assuring the audience of corrective measures, CM Maryam pledged to eradicate corrupt practices from the healthcare system before relaunching the health card program. This commitment underscores the government’s dedication to restoring public trust and ensuring that healthcare services reach those who need them the most.

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Furthermore, CM Maryam emphasized the government’s efforts to enhance medicine storage mechanisms in hospitals to combat theft effectively. By establishing secure medicine storage facilities across Punjab, the government aims to safeguard against the pilferage of essential medications. This initiative not only addresses a pressing issue but also reflects a proactive approach to improving healthcare infrastructure.

“We are establishing secure medicine storage facilities across Punjab to safeguard against medicine theft,” she added.

Looking ahead, she expressed optimism about the future of healthcare in Punjab. She articulated her hope that, over the next five years, the PML-N government would continue to prioritize the provision of top-notch healthcare facilities to underprivileged citizens. This forward-looking vision underscores the government’s commitment to promoting health equity and ensuring that all residents have access to quality healthcare services regardless of their socio-economic status.

In conclusion, CM Maryam Nawaz’s announcement regarding the revitalization of the health card program and the commitment to improving healthcare infrastructure in Punjab is a promising development. By addressing past challenges and outlining future plans, the government demonstrates its dedication to promoting public health and well-being in the province.

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Hello! I'm a multimedia journalist, psychotherapist, podcast host, actor, and stand-up comedian.

While journalism may not be my first love, I have a knack for writing about lifestyle and entertainment. As an entertainment geek, I focus on celebrity gossip, film reviews, and the latest happenings in the film world, all served with a special 'tarka' of wit, drama, and objectivity.

As a psychotherapist, I'm a strong advocate for mental health awareness, and I often write about mental health and well-being. I love variety and comedy, so you’ll definitely catch some laughs along the way in my work. You may also find me yapping on podcasts, where I chat with guests about various aspects of life.


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