The district government has unveiled plans to inaugurate a new tourist destination in Kotli Sattian, a picturesque hill town within the newly established district of Murree, in April 2025, marking a significant milestone after a four-year delay.

The development, expected to commence next year, includes the installation of a chairlift cable car system designed to traverse the rugged black mountains and dense forests of the region.

An initial funding allocation of Rs1 million has been approved to conduct a feasibility study for the chairlift system. This amount may be increased depending on the bids received during the tender process, with indications that international firms might also be involved in the feasibility assessment.

The establishment of this hill resort in Kotli Sattian is projected to generate employment opportunities for the local community in this underdeveloped tehsil. Plans include the development of new hotels, motels, restaurants, and shops along a 123-kilometer tourism highway to support the influx of visitors.

The chairlift cable car system will be situated in Chewra village, known for its elevated mountain views surpassing those of Murree. The location will offer panoramic vistas of Mangla Dam, Jhelum district, and the border areas of Azad Kashmir and Occupied Kashmir, which will be visible through telescopes.

Originally launched under the PTI-led Buzdar government with substantial backing from Asif Mahmood, then Advisor on Tourism and PHA Chairman, the project faced delays following the exit of the PTI government from office. Despite this, much of the project’s infrastructure is reportedly complete, with paved roads and established trails already in place. The cleared roads have already attracted families and youth for camping activities in the area.

The Department of Tourism, in partnership with the District Murree administration, is preparing for the grand opening of the new tourist destination. A fair is proposed to celebrate the launch, with either the Prime Minister or the Punjab Chief Minister anticipated to officiate the inauguration.

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