MD Abdul Rehman

10 am on Monday. The people of Ganabhavan passed another night of fear and anxiety. An important meeting with the three forces and BDR chief, DG RAB, DGFI, police chief was held in the huge hall of the Ganabhavan with the aim of suppressing the movement for Sheikh Hasina’s resignation at any cost. Sheikh Rehana also sits silently on the seat next to her sister with a dirty face.

A different kind of day at Ganabhaban. The students occupied the streets of Birdarp even though the police and the armed Jubo League cadres who resisted the movement shed a lot of blood in the clash with the agitating students the previous day. Road march to Ganabhavan today. Today they want to send away the autocratic ruler Hasina with a bullet in her chest. Lakhs of students rushing like a strong current are rushing towards it raising the sound of the sky. They have taken a blood oath to send away the Hasina government and repair the state.

The Prime Minister came to the meeting and looked angrily at the Army Chief. He said something slowly. He shouted at the police chief and said, “I have given so many facilities to the army, they were standing as silent spectators.” Even your police can’t do anything. How did 70 people of my Chhatra League, Jubo League die in front of you? Today you remove the students from the streets at any cost. I gave army weapons to the police—not to carry them! Clean the road by throwing hundreds of Razaka today!

The IGP said—I can’t stop the students even if I beat hundreds, not thousands. You heard the DGFI report that they will reach the gate of Ganabhavan in one or two hours.
Arriving earlier, the army strategically stopped them.

The Prime Minister shouted now—What’s wrong with me, what’s wrong with me! I have done less for the country, for you! If necessary, throw away a thousand today, protect public buildings. Hearing this, everyone remained silent for some time. Although they are familiar with these words of the Prime Minister, today he is speaking in a different level, in a higher tone. He cannot be saved by following his orders.

DGFI and IG took Rehana to the next room. He explained that this movement cannot be suppressed even with 5/10 thousand kills. You understand him.

Rehana Dhir Loye Mitong again sat down and placed her hand on her elder sister’s shoulder, first asking her to sign the resignation letter prepared by the army headquarters. Tears in Rehana’s eyes.

The prime minister again angrily refused and called the army chief a rude word. He said–My father gave freedom to this country, he gave life to his family. What have I not done for this country? Jamaat-BNP cannot be allowed to make this country Pakistan.

Everyone looked at the clock—the DGFI took the report over and over–the students were fast approaching in a huge tumultuous procession. With time running out, the prime minister shows no signs of relenting. Expression on everyone’s face – what can be done in this situation!

Now going to the next room, the DGFI told Sajib Wazed who was abroad on the phone—In a while millions of people from all around will reach the public hall. Even if the army opened fire, the prime minister could not be saved from them.

Sajib said—Okay, I am explaining to mom.

The prime minister was completely stunned when he received Sajib’s call. He said with a black face—-I will give a speech to the nation.

It was half past one. Almost everyone said simultaneously—Sir we will not get time to record the speech. We might be able to stop the road march of students by force for an hour if it is too much. In 45 minutes you are ready–helicopter and airplane ready for you.

From outside the room, some SSF came hand in hand and announced the landing of the helicopter. The Prime Minister’s resignation letter was signed by force. He was led to his bed room.

Meanwhile, the SSF’s wireless and the clatter of their boots created a terrible rush in the gan bhavan. Rehana already prepared her sister’s 14 big luggage. The vehicle carrying the former prime minister moved towards the helicopter under heavy guard. It was half past two in the afternoon. The students have started entering the public hall.

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