Article 19 clearly defines limits of freedom of expression: COAS General Asim Munir

Article 19 clearly defines limits of freedom of expression: COAS General Asim Munir

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir, speaking at the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) Academy’s passing-out parade ceremony on Thursday, sad that Article 19 of Pakistan’s Constitution clearly delineates the boundaries of freedom of expression and opinion

“Those who transgress these constitutional limits of freedom of expression cannot blame others,” added the Army Chief.

“We understand our constitutional boundaries well and anticipate others to similarly defend the constitution,” remarked the Army Chief.

The Army Chief further said that the ongoing arms race in our region has the potential to destabilize the balance of power.

He added, “The evolution of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and quantum computing is revolutionizing the utilization of space capabilities, broadening its horizon.

At the passing-out parade, several cadets were honored with trophies for their outstanding performance throughout the course.

Sergeant Habibur Rehman was awarded the Chief of Air Staff trophy for his exceptional performance during the Air Defense Course.

Cadet Khushal Khan Khattak received the PAF trophy, while Aviation cadet Muhammad Arslan earned the Chief of Air Staff trophy. Additionally, Naval cadet Amanullah was also honored with a Chief of the Air Staff trophy.

Squadron Officer Junaid Malik was presented with the Sword of Honour by the chief guest at the ceremony.

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