On Thursday, in Narowal district, a devastating accident occurred involving a young motorcyclist and a vehicle from the Punjab Elite Police. This police unit was part of the security detail for Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, who was scheduled to visit Gurdwara Darbar Sahib for the Baisakhi Mela.
Circumstances of the Collision
As part of their duties, the district police officer (DPO) noted that the Elite Police vehicles were traveling to Kartarpur to secure the Chief Minister’s visit. Tragically, the collision happened when one of the elite security vehicles attempted to overtake the motorcyclist. Subsequently, authorities promptly transported the motorcyclist’s body to the Narowal district headquarters hospital.
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Legal Proceedings and Family Response
In response to this tragedy, the police have registered an FIR on behalf of the victim’s grieving family. They are committed to conducting a thorough investigation to ensure those responsible are held accountable. The victim’s cousin, seeking justice for Abu Bakar’s untimely death, filed the case at the Saddar police station. The FIR recounts that the government vehicle struck Abu Bakar and then fled the scene.
Community Reaction
Moreover, the community is deeply affected by the loss of a young life and is vehemently calling for a rigorous investigation and accountability. Furthermore, this heartbreaking accident has ignited widespread calls for changes in the protocols of security details, aiming to enhance road safety for all citizens and prevent such incidents in the future.
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