‘Wherever you go, Pakistanis are treated horribly’: Mehmood Aslam

‘Wherever you go, Pakistanis are treated horribly’: Mehmood Aslam

WEB DESK:In a candid and emotional interview on the FHM podcast, renowned Pakistani actor Mehmood Aslam, best known for his role in the beloved sitcom Bulbulay, shared his profound disillusionment with the current state of Pakistan. Despite his deep-rooted love for his homeland, Aslam expressed a bleak outlook on the nation’s trajectory.

Reflecting on his extensive career spanning over four decades, Aslam reminisced about a time when Pakistan evoked a sense of pride and respect. “I often think about the Pakistan of my childhood – it was in our hearts, we loved it very much. It was the kind of Pakistan you would be willing to sacrifice your life for. The respect we had for the country and for each other has gradually come to an end,” he lamented.

The actor, who has earned acclaim for both serious roles and comedic endeavors, underscored his unwavering commitment to Pakistan. “If I wanted to move out of the country, I could have, but I didn’t. This is my country, my land where my roots are,” he said, highlighting his decision to remain in Pakistan despite opportunities to relocate abroad.

However, Aslam did not shy away from critiquing the current state of affairs. He pointed out the dismal global ranking of the Pakistani passport, the humiliation faced by Pakistanis abroad, and the nation’s pervasive issues. “We go around beating drums that Pakistan is this or that. But if you look at the country’s position right now, what are we rejoicing at? Look at your passport. Wherever you go in the world, they push you to the back and treat you horribly,” he stated.

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His critique extended to the country’s leadership and economic woes. “Those sitting in the government themselves are saying ‘Beggars can’t be choosers.’ This is slavery. We are drowning in debt. Every single child of ours has debt in lacs. So tell me, what should I be proud of? What is there to applaud by saying ‘Pakistan Zindabad’?” Aslam questioned, his voice heavy with sorrow.

In a poignant conclusion, Mehmood Aslam expressed his anguish over the state of Pakistan. “I feel a deep pain over what has been done to my country by a few persons and their pride. All I feel is shame,” he said, encapsulating the grief felt by many who have witnessed the nation’s decline.


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