Renowned Bollywood actress Vidya Balan recently shared her experience of feeling singled out and bullied for her costumes during the Filmfare Awards night. Speaking on the Unfiltered with Samdish podcast, the 45-year-old actress revealed that despite her success in the industry, she encountered instances that made her realise the impact of nepotism.

Uncomfortable Recognition

The Do Aur Do Pyaar actress recalled the incident when she was informed about receiving the “Na-Real award” for her costumes in the movie Heyy Babyy. Initially unsure why she was chosen, Vidya expressed her discomfort with being singled out for criticism, particularly regarding her wardrobe choices, which were not entirely under her control.

Bullying and Isolation

Despite her initial willingness to take the criticism lightly, Vidya was taken aback when she realised she was the sole target during the segment, as another actor had opted out. The Kahaani actress described the experience as her first significant encounter with nepotism, stressing her sense of isolation and vulnerability as someone without the protective shield of a film family.

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Vidya’s Response and Reflection

Impact and Response

Vidya candidly shared, “It felt like bullying to me. It was, it undoubtedly was. Just because I don’t come with a certain shield, you can’t… I thought it was a joke so it was okay. But when I realised I was the only one being made fun of, it wasn’t funny anymore.” Reflecting on the incident, the Dirty Picture actress highlighted the importance of support networks in an industry often dominated by familial connections.

Understanding the Na-Real Awards

Background and Context

During the 2008 Filmfare Awards, co-hosts Shah Rukh Khan and Saif Ali Khan introduced the Na-Real awards, Bollywood’s equivalent of the Razzies. They humorously presented the award, shaped like a coconut, to Vidya, who was seated among the audience. Despite her initial hesitation, they encouraged her to take it in good humor.

Vidya’s Response

Vidya didn’t just play along with her Heyy Babyy director Sajid Khan and costume designer Manish Malhotra; she also delivered a witty comeback to Shah Rukh and Saif when they inquired about their appearance. She famously retorted, “When I saw you both, I thought, ‘Wow, I didn’t realize Yash Raj has such cool waiters.'”

Upcoming Projects

Continuing Career

Vidya, last seen in Do Aur Do Pyaar, is set to reprise her iconic role as Manjulika in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3.

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