MUMBAI: Police have detained two individuals associated with the notorious Bishnoi criminal gang for their role in firing at the residence of Bollywood icon Salman Khan. The incident, occurring early Sunday, is believed to be in retaliation for Khan’s controversial killing of two blackbucks over two decades ago.

Bishnoi Gang Suspects Detained

Police detain two individuals linked to the notorious Bishnoi gang for firing at Bollywood icon Salman Khan’s residence. The incident, occurring early Sunday, is believed to be retaliation for Khan’s controversial killing of two blackbucks over two decades ago.

Gang Background

The Bishnoi gang, associated with a desert-dwelling religious sect that venerates the blackbuck, is notorious for alleged involvement in multiple murders and extortion.

Khan’s Controversy

Salman Khan, 58, became a target of the Bishnoi community’s anger in 1998 when he shot two blackbucks during a hunting excursion. The gang’s incarcerated leader, Lawrence Bishnoi, previously threatened Khan, even mentioning the possibility of assassination.

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Assault at Khan’s Residence

Riding a motorbike, the assailants targeted Khan’s first-floor apartment in Mumbai’s upscale Bandra neighborhood, firing multiple rounds before fleeing. Despite heightened security measures, Khan was present during the attack.

Arrest of Suspects

Law enforcement detained the two suspects, aged 24 and 21, on Tuesday in Gujarat. They were apprehended near a temple following a coordinated operation, according to Mahendra Bagaria, a police officer in Kutch district.

Legal Battle

The Bishnoi community has pursued legal action against Khan for two decades. In 2018, a local court sentenced Khan to five years in prison for violating the Wildlife Protection Act. However, his sentence was suspended pending appeal, prompting further warnings of retaliatory action by Lawrence Bishnoi.

Gang Leader’s Allegations

Lawrence Bishnoi, implicated in numerous criminal activities, is alleged to have orchestrated several murders, including the killing of popular Indian rapper Sidhu Moose Wala in 2022.

Khan’s Career and Controversies

Salman Khan, a Bollywood superstar with nearly 150 films and television shows to his credit, remains a prominent figure. However, his personal life has been marked by controversies, including a 2002 hit-and-run incident resulting in ongoing legal proceedings.

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