Trump promises green cards for foreign graduates

Trump promises green cards for foreign graduates

WEB DESK: Former United States President Donald Trump has announced plans to grant green cards to foreign graduates from American universities, marking a potential shift in his immigration stance.

Trump made these remarks during a recent podcast, indicating a departure from his traditionally stringent immigration policies, which were a focal point during his presidency from 2017 to 2021. This proposal, if implemented, would provide automatic green card eligibility to college graduates, including those from two-year programs and doctoral studies.

Green cards, formally known as permanent resident cards, are a crucial step toward US citizenship. Trump emphasized the importance of retaining talented individuals educated in the US, highlighting cases where graduates returned to their home countries and achieved significant success.

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He highlighted that the need for skilled individuals in the US job market and pledged to facilitate their integration into American companies.

This announcement follows President Joe Biden’s recent moves to ease immigration rules, including pathways to citizenship for spouses of US citizens and simplified visa processes for “Dreamers” — undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children. Trump’s proposal contrasts with his previous policies such as the US-Mexico border wall and travel bans targeting predominantly Muslim countries.

By advocating for easier access to green cards for foreign graduates, Trump aims to attract and retain skilled individuals, potentially influencing the ongoing discourse on US immigration policies


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