Top 10 brainwashing techniques
4 min read

Top 10 brainwashing techniques

June 29, 2024 1:00 am

WEB DESK: The concept of “brainwashing” emerged during the Korean War when reporter Edward Hunter described the psychological tactics used by the Chinese on American POWs. Over time, the term has become associated with cults, which employ various methods to ensure compliance among their members. Psychologist Margaret Singer estimated that

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Who joins cults & why? Check out nine traits that make you likely to join cult
5 min read

Who joins cults & why? Check out nine traits that make you likely to join cult

May 29, 2024 12:18 am

WEB DESK: Ever wondered who joins cults and why? The unsettling answer is that nearly anyone can fall into their grasp. “That is the insidiousness of mind-manipulation,” says Lisa Kohn, a cult survivor and author of the upcoming memoir ‘To the Moon and Back’. “Nearly anyone can be manipulated by

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