Survey reveals 85 pc of Pakistanis content with their mental health

Survey reveals 85 pc of Pakistanis content with their mental health

WEB DESK: A recent survey conducted by Gallup Pakistan has shed light on the mental health landscape in the country, revealing some intriguing insights.

According to the survey, a significant majority of Pakistanis, approximately 85 per cent, report being fully satisfied with their mental health. However, it’s not all smooth sailing, as 14 percent of respondents expressed concerns about their mental well-being.

Delving deeper into the findings, it appears that stress is a prevalent issue for many Pakistanis, with half of the respondents admitting to experiencing it in their daily lives, either frequently or occasionally. Interestingly, the other half reported no stress at all.

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When asked about the primary sources of mental stress, various factors emerged. Seventeen percent attributed it to family or domestic issues, while 15 percent pointed to financial constraints. Unemployment, job-related pressures, and health concerns were also significant contributors, cited by 14 percent, 13 percent, and eight percent of respondents, respectively.

Comparing these findings on a global scale, it becomes evident that Pakistan fares relatively well in terms of mental stress levels. While 79 percent of people worldwide report experiencing mental stress, only a quarter of Pakistanis identify their job as the primary culprit. Globally, financial difficulties and family problems are more commonly cited as sources of stress, affecting 21 percent and 19 percent of individuals, respectively.

Overall, the survey underscores both the resilience and the challenges facing Pakistanis in maintaining their mental well-being, offering valuable insights for policymakers and mental health professionals alike.


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