In the newly released Netflix documentary series about Vince McMahon, the former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Chairman and CEO shared rare insights into his personal life, revealing a deep desire to maintain his privacy. In the opening episode, the 78-year-old wrestling promoter made it clear that he is unwilling to let the public see the “real” version of him.

“I don’t want anybody to really know me,” McMahon candidly stated during the interview. He repeatedly displayed reluctance to disclose personal stories, offering only glimpses of his private life.

“I wish I could tell you the real stories. Holy s**t. No! That’s what I’m saying. I don’t want to tell you these stories. I’ll give you enough that’s semi-interesting,” he said, reiterating his desire to keep his true self hidden from public view.

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Documentary filmed before harassment allegations surfaced

The documentary was filmed prior to the emergence of sexual harassment allegations against McMahon, including claims made by former WWE employee Janel Grant. These allegations have cast a shadow over the release of the series, though McMahon refrained from addressing them directly in the documentary.

Earlier this week, Vince McMahon issued a statement addressing the series, cautioning viewers that certain segments may have been exaggerated or taken out of context. He urged the audience to keep an open mind and avoid forming conclusions based on isolated portions of the documentary.

Here’s the trailer of the documentary.

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Web Desk

Hello! I'm a multimedia journalist, psychotherapist, podcast host, actor, and stand-up comedian.

While journalism may not be my first love, I have a knack for writing about lifestyle and entertainment. As an entertainment geek, I focus on celebrity gossip, film reviews, and the latest happenings in the film world, all served with a special 'tarka' of wit, drama, and objectivity.

As a psychotherapist, I'm a strong advocate for mental health awareness, and I often write about mental health and well-being. I love variety and comedy, so you’ll definitely catch some laughs along the way in my work. You may also find me yapping on podcasts, where I chat with guests about various aspects of life.


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