A striking and unconventional story has recently captured widespread attention on social media, involving a Brazilian woman who married herself only to later dissolve the union. Suellen Carey, a 36-year-old influencer and model, made headlines last year when she wed herself in London, a ‘self-marriage’ decision that garnered global interest and was initially seen as a daring declaration of self-love and independence.
However, a year after her self-marriage, Carey has announced her decision to divorce herself, as reported by News18. Despite her attempts to sustain the relationship—including attending solo couples therapy sessions—she ultimately concluded that the self-marriage was untenable.
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Carey confessed that, despite the initial gratification she derived from her solo wedding, she frequently experienced loneliness during the marriage, leading her to this difficult decision.
In a recent interview, Carey reflected on the unique challenges of being in a relationship with oneself. She revealed that the pressure to meet her own high standards often left her feeling weary. “Self-analysis and reflection are necessary,” Carey noted, stressing that the commitment to oneself can present its own difficulties. She highlighted the significance of recognising when to end a cycle, even within the context of a self-directed relationship.
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[…] Read More: Self-marriage gone wrong: London woman who married herself is ‘bored’, files for divorce […]