Research: sleep sounds can enhance memory, sleep quality

Research: sleep sounds can enhance memory, sleep quality

WEB DESK: New research suggests that playing specific sounds during sleep can improve memory and potentially benefit overall sleep quality.

Conducted by a team of scientists, the study involved 11 participants who were exposed to ‘pink noise’ while they slept. Pink noise is characterised by gentle hissing sounds that fluctuate, resembling the rhythmic motion of waves crashing on a beach.

By monitoring the participants’ brain activity, researchers synchronised the pink noise with their brain waves. When the sounds were in sync, participants demonstrated significantly better memory recall compared to when the sounds were not synchronised. In fact, they were able to remember almost twice as many words from a previously learned list.

Dr Jan Born, the lead researcher, highlighted the simplicity and practicality of using auditory stimulation at low intensities, which can be easily applied in clinical settings to enhance sleep rhythms.

The researchers also observed that when the sounds were synchronised with brain waves, participants experienced stronger brain waves associated with deep sleep. This suggests that synchronised sounds may also aid in promoting deeper and more restful sleep.

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Furthermore, the study indicates that synchronised sounds could potentially be used to enhance other brain rhythms related to wakefulness and attention regulation.

However, the challenge for individuals attempting to replicate these findings at home is ensuring that the sounds remain in sync with their brain’s slow oscillation rhythm during deep sleep. Dr. Born emphasised the importance of presenting the acoustic stimuli in synchrony with the brain’s slow oscillation “up states” to effectively strengthen the slow oscillation and improve sleep quality.

This research offers promising insights into the potential of sound-based interventions to enhance memory and sleep, providing a straightforward and ethical approach for improving sleep quality and cognitive function.


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