On Tuesday, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar confirmed, that doctors have been granted access to meet Imran Khan at Adiala Jail.

This development comes after the PTI raised concerns regarding the health of Imran Khan, who had reportedly been denied medical attention.

No legal or family visits since October 3

Since October 3, neither lawyers, family members, nor party leaders have been allowed to meet Imran Khan, despite his deteriorating health.

Additionally, PTI filed a formal request with the Ministry of Interior, urging them to permit a family member, party leader, or medical professional to visit Imran Khan.

Gohar announced that government doctors, including medical specialists and an ENT specialist, had finally arrived at Adiala Jail for a medical evaluation of Imran Khan, as per Dawn News report.

The PTI had initially planned to protest in Islamabad, coinciding with the ongoing Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit.

However, they called off the protest after receiving assurances that a medical expert would examine Imran Khan.

The government, which had vowed to deal with PTI protesters harshly, agreed to several demands, including facilitating a meeting between Imran Khan and party leaders and ensuring his medical checkup.

Jemima Goldsmith demands Imran Khan’s release

Meanwhile, Jemima Goldsmith, Imran Khan’s former spouse, took to social media to voice her concerns over his treatment in prison, calling for his immediate release. Jemima highlighted that Imran Khan has been isolated and denied visits from his family and legal team.

In a post on X, she detailed how his weekly calls to their sons, Sulaiman and Kasim Khan, were cut off in defiance of a court order, further raising fears about his safety.

Jemima also expressed concern over the targeting of Imran’s family and PTI members. She called for the release of Imran Khan, his sisters Uzma and Aleema Khan, and his nephew, all of whom have faced detentions in recent weeks.

Web Desk
About Author
Web Desk

Aamir Khan, with a knack for economics and business news, is currently working at Azaad English.

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