In a groundbreaking move for traffic management, South Punjab Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) Fuad Hashim Rabbani inaugurated an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based radar system for traffic control on Old Bahawalpur Road on Wednesday. This pilot project, the first of its kind in South Punjab, marks a significant step towards modernising the region’s traffic management infrastructure.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by key officials, including Multan Development Authority (MDA) Director General Rana Saleem Ahmed Khan, Director Engineering Rana Waseem, and Director Transport Rao Zaka. The ACS highlighted the growing importance of integrating artificial intelligence across various sectors in South Punjab and noted that this system would greatly improve road safety and traffic control.
Rabbani added that the AI-based radar system would be expanded to other roads following the success of this pilot. He also announced plans for a public awareness campaign on road safety, emphasizing the need for citizens to adhere to speed limits and other traffic regulations.
MDA DG Mr. Khan explained that the system continuously monitors vehicle speeds, displaying green for vehicles within the speed limit and red for those exceeding it. The radar operates around the clock, powered by solar panels with a backup system for uninterrupted functionality.
The initiative will soon move to its second phase, during which cameras will be integrated into the radar system and the project will be handed over to the traffic police. Plans are also underway to extend the system to 21 more roads under the MDA’s jurisdiction after the pilot phase concludes successfully.