Man who received first-ever pig kidney transplant dies

Man who received first-ever pig kidney transplant dies

The passing of Richard Slayman, the first man to undergo a groundbreaking genetically modified pig kidney transplant, occurred two months after the operation. However, the hospital in US emphasized that there is no indication his demise was a result of the transplant itself.

It’s noteworthy that previous attempts at transplanting organs from genetically modified pigs have ended in failure. Nevertheless, Slayman’s procedure was celebrated as a historic milestone in medical science.

Following the successful pig kidney transplant in March, Slayman’s physicians reported that he no longer required dialysis, indicating the new organ’s effective function.

In addition to battling kidney disease, Slayman grappled with Type 2 diabetes and hypertension. In 2018, he underwent a human kidney transplant, which unfortunately began to fail after five years.


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