Pakistani TV actor and host, Mishi Khan, recently spoke out against the leaking and virality of inappropriate videos of famous TikTokers, advising that no woman should share their personal videos, even if it’s their partner asking for them.

She stressed that women should not share such content to please anyone, as these videos are often used for blackmail, leading to severe consequences like depression and even suicide.

In a video message shared on Instagram, Mishi highlighted a concerning trend where videos of various girls, TikTokers, and social media stars are being leaked. She mentioned that just recently, a TikTok girl’s inappropriate videos went viral, and now, another TikTok star from Gilgit-Baltistan has had her private videos leaked, which she called deeply upsetting.

Mishi Khan appealed to the relevant government authorities, urging them to take strong action against this troubling trend. She called on institutions like PTA, Cyber Crime, and others to act decisively to prevent such videos from spreading.

This follows a series of recent incidents, including the viral video of TikToker Imsha Rehman with a young man, which led her to deactivate her social media accounts. Last month, another TikTok star, Minahil Malik, also faced a similar situation, with her private videos being widely circulated.

Mishi Khan’s message is a call for both awareness and action to protect individuals from the dangers of online exploitation.

Web Desk
About Author
Web Desk

Minahil Fatima, a recent graduate, is currently associated with Azaad English. She has a passion for celebrity gossip.

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