Khawaja Asif Mocks PTI for seeking talks with establishment

Khawaja Asif Mocks PTI for seeking talks with establishment

WEB DESK: Pakistan’s Defence Minister, Khawaja Asif, launched a scathing critique against the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Saturday for establishing a three-member committee aimed at negotiating with the establishment.

Addressing the media in Sialkot, Asif referenced the events of May 9, condemning the attacks on military installations in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which he characterised as an assault on the nation’s sovereignty under the guise of pursuing “real freedom.”

“The party that used to say ‘No to slavery’ now has a committee for talks,” the minister added.  He further said that if talks were to happen, everyone involved should be invited.

Asif did not shy away from pointing fingers, alleging PTI’s involvement in the attacks and citing past instances of derogatory remarks by PTI’s founder against Maulana Fazlur Rehman.

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Furthermore, he stressed that even on sensitive matters like engaging with India over the Abhinandan issue, PTI’s leadership showed reluctance to cooperate.

Meanwhile, in a separate development, Khawaja Asif reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to fortify its border management with Iran during a meeting with Iranian Ambassador Dr. Reza Amiri Moghadam in Islamabad. Asif highlighted the enduring fraternal ties between Pakistan and Iran based on shared religious and cultural affinities.


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