Bollywood actress and politician Kangana Ranaut has voiced her frustration following the postponement of her contentious film Emergency. The film, which was slated for release on September 6, has faced delays amidst a series of controversies.

Ranaut, speaking on a podcast, indicated that she might pursue legal action if necessary. She criticised the ongoing disruptions, stating, “We’ll keep telling those ridiculous stories otherwise. We’ll get scared by someone today, someone else tomorrow.”

She expressed concern over the tendency to yield to intimidation, asserting, “How much will we keep getting scared? I’ve made this film with a lot of self-respect, which is why the CBFC can’t point out any contention.”

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The postponement follows a case heard on August 31 in the Punjab and Haryana High Court, brought by Mohali residents Gurinder Singh and Jagmohan Singh. The petition sought the cancellation of the film’s censor certificate and demanded a review by prominent Sikh figures. The court subsequently ordered the filmmakers to remove controversial scenes, leading to the film’s delay.

In response to the court’s decision, Kangana Ranaut labeled the delay as unfair and voiced her discontent. She claimed that despite her film being based on factual events, it has been unjustly accused of targeting a specific community. Ranaut described the situation as a form of “emergency imposed on my film” and expressed deep disappointment with the current state of affairs in the country.

In Emergency, Kangana portrays former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

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