Israel defies International Court, continues Rafah bombing

Israel defies International Court, continues Rafah bombing

WEB DESK: Despite the International Court of Justice’s order to halt military operations in the southern city of Gaza, Israel began bombing various areas in Gaza, including Rafah, the very next day.

According to the Agency France Press (AFP), the International Court had ordered a ceasefire in Rafah on May 24 and demanded the immediate release of all individuals held captive by Hamas.

It should be noted that while it is legally mandatory to comply with the International Court’s orders, there is no mechanism for enforcing its rulings.

A few hours after the court’s decision, Israel launched attacks on the Gaza Strip in the early hours of May 25 (Saturday), while clashes between the Israeli army and Hamas’s armed wing continued.

Palestinian eyewitnesses and AFP teams reported Israeli attacks in Rafah and the central city of Deir al-Balah.

Additionally, four more Palestinians were martyred in fresh operations in the Nuseirat refugee camp.

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The Israeli military also targeted the Kuwaiti hospital, and aid has been unable to enter due to heavy military presence at the Rafah crossing.

The head of the UN relief agency, Martin Griffiths, called the halting of aid during famine conditions a major tragedy.

Since October 7, at least 35,857 Palestinians have been martyred and 80,293 injured in Israel’s war on Gaza.

It should be noted that Israel rejected the International Court of Justice’s order to halt military operations in Rafah. War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz announced that attacks in Gaza, including Rafah, would continue until the hostages were freed.

Israel called the ICJ’s order to immediately stop the attack on Rafah ‘provocative and morally abhorrent,’ and described allegations of genocide in Gaza as ‘false.'”


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