KARACHI: Actor and model Bilal Qureshi has taken to social media to express concern over the health of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, following a distressing dream. In an Instagram story, Qureshi shared his worries, stating, “I saw Imran Khan in my dream, and he is not in good condition ☹️. May Allah always bless him with good health.”

Qureshi’s post comes amid growing concerns about Khan’s well-being, particularly following remarks made by his sister, Aleema Khan, a few months ago. Aleema, in a post on X (formerly Twitter), shared her anxiety over her brother’s safety while he remains incarcerated in Adiala Jail.

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She revealed that Khan had expressed alarm over a sudden change in his security detail, stating, “Imran Khan informed us in jail: ‘I am concerned that they have suddenly changed my security guards at midnight.’ When asked, he was told that they had gone on leave for two months.”

The social media posts have sparked discussions among Khan’s supporters, further highlighting concerns about his health and safety during his time in custody.

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