How much did Pakistanis spend on sacrificial animals this eid ul adha?

How much did Pakistanis spend on sacrificial animals this eid ul adha?

The Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA) reported on Wednesday that over 680,000 livestock were sacrificed during Eid ul Adha. The total value of these animals exceeded Rs500 billion.

Agha Syedain, a Central Executive Committee member of the PTA, provided details: 290,000 cows, 330,000 goats, 385,000 sheep, and 98,000 camels were sacrificed.

Furthermore, 165,000 water buffalo were also sacrificed as part of religious observances.

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The PTA expressed concerns about potential hide losses. Extreme heat and poor handling could lead to a 40% loss of hides.

The leather industry typically fulfills 20% of its annual hide demand during Eid ul Adha. This year, there are fears that the supply might fall short by more than 20%. Estimates suggest that the hides alone are valued at approximately Rs85 billion.


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