The Rawalpindi district administration has fined a cinema and two food outlets in Jinnah Park a total of Rs400,000 after finding dengue mosquito larvae. The businesses were given one week to comply with anti-dengue measures.

Moviegoers at Cinepax were unexpectedly told to leave mid-show when the cinema announced it was under a tax authority raid. The management informed them that the tickets would be refunded on August 2 and asked everyone to vacate the premises.

However, senior official from the Excise and Taxation Department denied that the department had visited Jinnah Park on Thursday. He added that they would have issued notices before sealing commercial outlets.

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Meanwhile, Assistant Commissioner Almas Sabeeh stated that the raid was conducted by the district administration. He said that their teams visited Jinnah Park to inspect compliance with dengue SOPs.

According to him, Cinepax was fined Rs100,000, while Pappasallis and KFC were fined Rs. 150,000 each. The cinema was initially sealed after dengue larvae were discovered but was reopened once the fine was paid.


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