Elon Musk threatens iPhone ban over Apple’s ChatGPT integration

Elon Musk threatens iPhone ban over Apple’s ChatGPT integration

WEB DESK: Elon Musk has launched a blistering attack on Apple’s recent announcement of integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT into the iPhone, threatening to prohibit the use of iPhones at his companies, including Tesla and SpaceX.

In a post on his platform X, Elon Musk declared, “If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation.” He further added that visitors would be required to surrender their Apple devices at the entrance, where they would be stored in a Faraday cage.

Musk’s reaction appears to be triggered by Apple’s unveiling of Apple Intelligence, which encompasses integration with OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

However, Apple has moved to allay concerns over privacy, emphasising that their integration with ChatGPT requires explicit user permission before any data is sent to OpenAI’s servers. According to Apple’s press release, stringent privacy measures are in place, including the obscuring of IP addresses and the non-storage of requests by OpenAI.

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The new feature is set to roll out later this year on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, with access available free of charge and without the necessity of creating an account. Additionally, subscribers to ChatGPT will have access to enhanced paid features across all platforms.

Apple asserts that the core of Apple Intelligence relies on on-device processing, with requests sent to the cloud passing through their Private Cloud Compute feature, ensuring data is not retained. Addressing concerns directly, Apple clarified, “You control when ChatGPT is used and will be asked before any of your information is shared.”

Despite Apple’s assurances, the question remains whether Musk will be appeased by these measures.


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