Easypaisa is under scrutiny for deducting Rs. 99 from users’ accounts who fail biometric verification with NADRA, amid a lack of regulatory justification.

Moreover, users have reported being charged repeatedly for unsuccessful fingerprint attempts, raising concerns about the absence of clear regulatory guidelines for these fees.

Moreover, Easypaisa also introduced a monthly SMS alert fee of Rs. 15 last year, which has sparked debate over its adherence to State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) regulations.

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In January 2022, the SBP mandated that all banks and microfinance institutions must offer free SMS and email alerts for all digital transactions. Despite this directive, users continue to incur charges for SMS alerts and have experienced delays in receiving notifications, complicating transaction tracking.

To avoid the SMS alert fee, customers must contact Easypaisa’s operator at 3737—a process many find “unnecessarily complicated.”

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