Actor Ali Gul Mallah, renowned for his iconic dialogue “Bhale,” recently offered some advice to his co-star Durefishan Saleem during a television appearance. The duo had shared the screen in the popular Pakistani drama “Ishq Murshid,” where Ali’s comedic role garnered significant attention.

During the TV show, Ali was presented with images of various celebrities and asked to share his thoughts. Upon seeing Durefishan’s picture, he suggested that she should consider shedding some weight, stating, “She is a little healthy, she should start dieting.”

However, the host quickly intervened, expressing a different viewpoint, “I think the way you are, you are absolutely fine.” He emphasized the importance of being comfortable in one’s own skin as long as one is healthy.

Following Ali’s comments, there was a swift backlash from netizens and Durefishan’s supporters, who voiced their discontent on social media platforms, particularly under Ali’s Instagram posts.

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