Chief Minister (CM) Maryam Nawaz on Thursday inaugurated the School Nutrition Programme in Dera Ghazi Khan, an initiative aimed at providing free milk to students up to the fifth grade as part of broader efforts to address malnutrition and improve child welfare in Punjab.
At the launch ceremony, Nawaz reaffirmed her commitment to the province’s youth, underscoring her personal connection to children across Punjab. “No matter how far Dera Ghazi Khan is from Lahore, I am not distant from you. I think of all these children as a mother would; these children are VIPs to me,” she said, pledging to prioritize their well-being.
Nawaz expressed surprise and gratitude at the warm reception she received from the local community, noting, “I thought the children here wouldn’t know me, but they all do. The love I received from the children today is indescribable.” Her interaction with the children, she said, deepened her resolve to focus on the needs of those in remote areas, far from major urban centers.
Launching the School Nutrition Program in Dera Ghazi Khan, rather than Lahore or Rawalpindi, signals Nawaz’s focus on grassroots development.
She acknowledged the challenges facing Punjab, stressing the limited resources available. “I have thousands of schools under my administration in Punjab, with millions of children enrolled. Pakistan is not a wealthy country, and resources are limited, but better times are coming. I will do everything I can to meet the nutritional needs of the children,” she said.
Despite the financial burden of the initiative, Nawaz stressed its critical importance. “This is an expensive program, but nothing is more valuable than our children,” she stated, highlighting her government’s prioritisation of child welfare.
Nawaz urged other provincial leaders to adopt similar programs, underscoring the need to invest in children’s nutrition and education. “I want to work practically, and your Chief Minister is like a mother to you,” she said, reaffirming her dedication to delivering practical solutions for the long-term development of the region’s youth.